It poured this morning.
And then, suddenly, it stopped.

Steph, who has the bedroom in the front of the house came into the kitchen and said, “There’s a rainbow.”
So I went to the front door and saw this rainbow that seemed to come directly out of the top of the red house across the big field from where the house where I’m staying.
It was bright and clear and I knew I wanted a photo of it. But in the 45 seconds it took me to grab my phone and take a photo, it started to fade.
In another two minutes, it was gone.
It feels like there might be some kind of (not-so-subtle) lesson there.
As they used to say in college textbooks, this is left as an exercise for the reader.
The sun was pretty bright, so I spent most of the day in the downstairs studio because the sun shines directly into the upstairs room where I’ve been working.
Finished another story. So that’s 13 in 13 days.
Thinking about how to best present them. There’s still work to be done on all of them, but I do want to share them as works-in-progress.
More later.