Today was a wonderful day.
I woke up after not getting enough sleep (it was too hot and then too cold and I was checking a couple times for the Northern Lights (which weren’t out where we are).
In the morning, Amy and I went down to the Fish Factory, where she’s working in the recording studio. When Amy was working, I went for a quick walk, then wrote story number 25 (which explains the fight among the gods that resulted in gaining and losing sunlight as the seasons change).
Tonight was our Exhibition for the artists here in November. People set up visual examples of their work, Mazz showed a bit of the video she was working on, Clio showed video and invited people to paint on the white paper where some of her video showed (and also had a couple songs for people to listen to and a few paintings to display), Steph displayed her various paintings, sketches, and print books, Joke presented some of her sculptures, and Martina displayed several of her cool miniatures as well as a book of sketches she did.
And then there was me. I’d agreed to read two stories and had three that I was going to choose between. I knew I wanted to read the story “Aurora” and couldn’t decide what the second would be. In the end, I went with “Bird” over “Moon” because there were a couple similarities between “Moon” and “Aurora” and I didn’t want people to get the feeling that all the pieces shared those similarities.
There was a Facebook event for the Exhibition, but there was some confusion about the time, so people from the community came after we had pretty much wrapped things up. People really dug the two stories (and were amazed that I’d written 25 of them so far). After, we went around and the other artists explained some of the thoughts that went into their work this past month.
Here are a few photos from the day and the Exhibition:
Four people are leaving on Wednesday, two more on Thursday, and Amy and I are heading out on Friday morning.
It’s been an amazing month and there’s still a few days left to get things done.
Here’s a photo of my pal Tumi (to whom I threw this and many other sticks), whom I will miss when I leave this place.

More later.