The volcano that was threatening to erupt all through November has erupted a bunch of times.
I’ve been watching it live on YouTube every time there’s a new eruption.
There have been some truly amazing photos, including this one from the Associated Press:

I’m extremely glad it didn’t erupt while I was there, although it seems to have had minimal impact on travel.
I was also about 400 miles from the volcano, so it was never likely to have a huge impact on me except when I was flying home.
I’m struck by the fact that they keep reopening the Blue Lagoon (which is incredibly close to the eruption site and could be overcome by lava within a matter of three or four minutes). While I loved the Blue Lagoon on my first few trips to Iceland, it is incredibly expensive and very touristy. There are other, safer public places to go (including local pools that are thermal-heated, relatively cheap, and really wonderful).
I guess I was lucky to have gone to Iceland for the first time before it became overrun with tourists and became a trendier place. Maybe that’s why I like spending time outside of Reykjavik (which is a nice and very pleasant city, but maybe should be viewed as a gateway to the “real Iceland”).
The volcano does remind me that we live in a world that is constantly changing and bubbling and boiling and cooling… and expecting it not to change is foolish at best.
Earlier this month, I got Covid for the first time. I’d really hoped to be one of those unicorns that never got it (or maybe had some kind of weird immunity), but it got me despite my vigilance and despite the fact that I still wear masks when I’m inside with other people. Luckily, it was short-lived and not very severe (I’ve had colds that were worse).
More soon.