Long, long hike, all the way out past the edge of town.
There’s a campground there and a little meadow surrounded by Evergreens. And not just tiny Evergreens, but big ones more than 20 feet tall.
Some gorgeous views on the way back as well. It occurs to me that all my hikes in the morning have been in this direction. I’ll have to do something about that in the next few days.

On the way back, a rock gave me an important lesson (no, not the “Eat Skyr” rock, although that’s arguably important as well.
I’m trying, rock. I’m trying.
At the Fish Factory, I wrote another story (fifth in five days) while staring out the window at the fjord. At one point a boat came by, which was pretty unexpected. I waved to the little boat, but I’m pretty sure it didn’t see me.

There is still a bit of a fish industry here and we were told that one of the fishermen would give you a fish if you were on the docks when they came in. So one of my housemates got a fish and they gutted and cooked it last night. The entire house smelled of fish (which is a bit torturous for me), but they seemed to enjoy it.

While they were fishing it up, I was up at the Fish Factory (and yes, I get it, it’s ironic that someone who hates fish as much as I do would choose to do a residency at a place called the Fish Factory) in the kitchen/lounge area, where there is no fish, but great WiFi. I was doing my Sunday night writers workshop, which I’ve been running every week (with very few exceptions) for the past three and a half years. As great as it is to be here (and it’s really, really great), it was wonderful to see these great writers and wonderful people that I have spent most of the last 175 Sundays with.
My Aurora Apps were pinging off the charts at me to tell me there was a wonderful display of the Northern Lights just above us. The only problem was it was pouring and we had 100% cloud cover so we couldn’t see anything up there. Hoping for a break in the weather in the next few days… but the weather seems to change so much and so quickly that you really never know.
Meanwhile, I’m keeping my nose to the grindstone and working.
More later.